Monday, March 24, 2008


In celebration of the changing of the seasons, I have created my very own Gardening Journal. It is a simple recycled notebook that has been covered in decorative papers and its pages shall be embellished on an ongoing basis as I add the little tidbits I discover on my gardening journey. I envision a collection of Gardening Journals spanning several years to be passed on to future generations of my family. Each one cataloging the planting and harvesting of various vegetables, herbs, and flowering plants. Perhaps I will include in depth "how-to" instructions as I learn to dry herbs, and can vegetables, make flavored oils and homemade herbal teas. I can hardly wait for the snow to melt so I can get to planting. ...Perhaps I shall start with a simple Kitchen Container Garden, and maybe a pretty little collection of Kitchen Herbs growing in a clay pot and given the center of attention upon the island in the kitchen. Hmmm....certainly something to think about.

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