My daughter was not too pleased to hear games and an ipod are on her list........but I think in the end she will get enough of that stuff from the rest of the family and I often find many of those items cast aside a few weeks after Christmas anyway. This year, I hope to make her something that will be well used throughout the winter months and maybe even last into next year.
I found Ravelry not too long ago, signed up, logged my stash and then promptly stopped visiting the site for several months. I have been longing to get back to my knitting so I sat down and took advantage of the Thanksgiving holiday to get started on some projects.
I am the kind of person that likes to work on several things at once, that way when one gets tedius I can move on to something else for a little while, and in the end I get more done. So right now I am working on a pair of Spider Man Mittens

And I will finish my neice's (3 year old Serra) Amgurumi Monkey that I started back in April. All he needs is a tail.

Sadly just before writing this post, I had to completely unravel the SpiderMan Mitten I was working on and start over on larger needles. The pattern is written for size 2 needles for a toddler mitten, and I need an adult size for my nephew. Being a new knitter, I thought a 6 would work since the pattern suggested a 4 or 5 for a larger size. But I either knit really tight or 6 just wasn't big enough. On top of that, I got all the way to the top and could not understand how to do the decreases and still stay in the pattern. (I am trying a 2 color stranded Fair Isle pattern for this mitten. It looked great until I got to the top and needed to start decreasing. And I am working on dpns for the first time too!)
I think I need to phone a friend for assistance:)